Effect of strategies to reduce mortality attributable to CHB implemented from 2023 in China. a, c, e, g and i, reduced mortality by 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045, and 2050 respectively; b, d, f, h and j, the annual incidence of each strategy that could reach 65% mortality-reduction target by 2030, 2035, 3040, 2045, and 2050, respectively;k, the year in which each strategy achieved the goal of reduced mortality by 65%. Abbreviation: THBs, Treating HBsAg+; 30/19, ALT > 30/19; 35/25, ALT > 35/25; 40, ALT > 40; 18–80, 18–80 years; 30–80, 30–80 years; 40–80, 40–80 years.