Table 3.
Studies on the efficacy of KD in SARS-CoV-2 in animal models.
Study Design | Participants (n)/Age (year) | Evaluation | Intervention/ Measurement |
Duration | Results | Bibliography | |
1 | Random- ized clinical trial |
Male C57BL mice infected with natural mouse beta coronavirus (mCoV) 6—mouse hepatitis virus strain A59 (MHV-A59) (reproducing the clinical features of COVID-19). Old mice (20–24 months) and young mice (2–6 months) |
Effect of KD on the mouse defense response against MHV-A59 and identification of the underlying mechanism | Intranasal inoculation of mCoV-A59 into adult and old male mice. Feeding a standard vivarium feed (Harlan 2018s) or a ketogenic diet (Envigo, TD.190049) |
5 days before infection |
Ryu et al. [42] |
2 | Random-ized clinical trial | Male albino rats of the Sprague strain/body weight 200–250 g | Measurements of ACE2, TMPRSS2, and RAS components and inflammatory genes in animal lungs and hearts | Chow diet (P: 27.0%, F: 13.0%, and C: 60. 0%), high-fat sucrose-enriched diet (P: 20.0%, F: 60.0%, and C:20.0%) or KD (P:20%, F: 80%, and C: 0%). | 16 weeks |
Eira et al. [126] |
3 | Random-ized clinical trial | K18-hACE2 mice aged 6–20 weeks infected intranasally with 60 PFU of SARS-CoV-2 (preclinical model of SARS-CoV-2 infection) | Assessment of T-cell metabolism and function | Supplementation with ketone ester 20 mg ml-1 (D- -hydroxybutyrate-(R)-1,3 butanediol monoester) in drinking water | 8 days after infection |
Karagiannis et al. [116] |
KD—ketogenic diet, P—protein, F—fat, C—carbohydrates, VAT—visceral adipose tissue, ER—endoplasmic reticulum, NLRP3—NLRP3 inflammasome, BHB—beta-hydroxybutyrate, TMPRSS2—transmembrane serine protease 2, RAS—renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, ACE1—angiotensin-converting enzyme I protein, AT1—angiotensin receptor type 1 protein.