Figure 3. Bicones can seed inertial cavitation.
a) Mechanism of bicone-mediated inertial cavitation. Bubbles are nucleated by the gas content of bicones and grow through coalescence across multiple acoustic cycles, culminating in a high-energy implosion. b) Diagram of experimental setup to measure acoustic emissions induced by FUS. Samples contained in acoustic impedance-matched TPX tubes were insonated with a 330-kHz FUS transducer and responses were detected by an orthogonally positioned imaging transducer. c) Representative power spectral density of emissions from PBS, pre-collapsed, and intact bicones (5 nM) insonated with a single 30 cycle FUS pulse at 0.3 MPa PNP. d) Mean PCD signal of samples from panel C, calculated by integrating spectra from 8 MHz to 27 MHz. PBS, N = 6; collapsed, N = 6; intact, N = 12. Error bars, ± SEM. Welch’s t-test (**, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001; ****, p < 0.0001). e) Left: ANS dye fluoresces upon binding the exposed hydrophobic interior of the bicone shell. Right: Representative emission spectra (ex. 380 nm) of intact and collapsed bicone suspensions containing 100 μM ANS. f) Relative ANS fluorescence at 480 nm of bicones after exposure to 30 s or 3 min of FUS pulses at various PNP, normalized to fluorescence of intact and pre-collapsed samples. N = 4. Error bars not shown.