(a) Relationship between droplet aspect ratio and actin intensity within the droplet for droplets formed from 15 μM VASP and exposed to 2 μM actin with increasing concentrations of Arp2/3 and VCA, as visualized in Figure 2a. Replicates can be found in Supplemental Figure S1. n=2885 droplets counted over at least 3 images per condition. (b) Representative images of droplets composed of 15 μM VASP and 2 μM actin, with either (i) Arp2/3 and VCA added, (ii) only Arp2/3, or (iii) Arp2/3, VCA, and the Arp2/3 inhibitor, CK666. Scale bar 5 μm. (c) Quantification of droplet aspect ratio measured from (b). Box represents IQR with median as a bisecting line, mean as an ‘x’, and whiskers represent SD. Data from 3 replicates. At least 700 droplets were analyzed per condition.