Mercury in the brain after exposure to inorganic mercury. (A) Dense black AMG™ staining is seen in two locus ceruleus neurons (closed arrowheads) and scattered in the neuromelanin pigment in another two neurons (open arrowheads). (B) In the frontal cortex, AMG™ (combined with brown GFAP immunostaining) are present in the frontal lobe brown glia limitans (arrow) below the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), in brown subpial astrocyte cell bodies (closed arrowhead), in brown astrocyte processes (open arrowhead), and in blood vessel walls. (C) In the frontal cortex, AMG™ (closed arrowhead) are seen in an oligodendrocyte cell body adjacent to the nucleus (thin arrow). The GFAP-stained brown descending branch of an interlaminar astrocyte makes contact (open arrowhead) with the oligodendrocyte. (D) In the frontal cortex, AMG™ are seen in the cell body of a corticomotoneuron (closed arrowhead), a dendrite (small arrow), a GFAP-stained brown connecting astrocyte process (large arrow), and largely obscuring the brown astrocyte cell body (open arrowhead). (E) In the frontal white matter, GFAP-stained brown fibrous astrocyte cell bodies (open arrowheads) and processes (closed arrowheads) contain AMG™. No AMG™ are seen in oligodendrocytes (in circles). (F) In the pineal gland, AMG™ are present in most pinealocytes (closed arrowheads) and in blood vessel walls. BV blood vessel. Methods: A–E adapted from (23), F from (25). Bars = 20 μm.