Fig. 2. Muscle macrophages express transcriptomes distinct from M1 and M2 macrophages.
(A to C) Heatmap showing the expression of the top 100 scRNAseq DEGs from the scRNAseq analysis (scDEGs) in FACS-sorted SkMRM (A), gal-3+ M (B), and MDM (C). n = 3 per population. (D) PCA applied to the FACS-sorted macrophage populations in (A) to (C). (E) Pathway analysis of top gene sets enriched in FACS-sorted gal-3+ M compared to SkMRM. (F) Pairwise comparison of gene expression between FACS-sorted gal-3+ M and SkMRM. Colored points indicate DEGs from ECM-related gene sets. Lgals3 and Spp1 are highlighted by arrows. (G) Venn diagrams of up-regulated and down-regulated DEGs in FACS-sorted gal-3+ M compared to SkMRM (Gal-3+/SkMRM) and MDMs compared to SkMRMs (MDMs/SkMRMs). (H) Correlation analysis of DEGs from Gal-3+/SkMRM or MDM/SkMRM comparisons with M1 or M2 polarized M. (I) Expression of M1 and M2 macrophage markers in gal-3+ M (0), SkMRMs (1), and MDMs (2) from scRNAseq data. (J) Violin plots of M2 markers in gal-3+ M, SkMRMs, and MDMs from the scRNAseq data. AU, arbitrary units.