Figure 8. Synaptic connectivity between MP1 axons and Goro neurons is not detected.
(A) Representative images of the larval VNC showing partially overlapping MP1 axons (green) and processes of Goro neurons (blue) that are associated with anti-FLRFa signals (red). MP1 axons partially overlapping Goro neurons were similarly observed in all examined samples (n=5). (B) Representative image showing CD4-GRASP experiments between MP1 axons and Goro neurons (magenta). Signals of reconstituted GFP (GRASP, green) were detected in all examined samples (n=5). (C) Representative image showing nSyb-GRASP experiments between MP1 axons (blue) and Goro neurons (red). Signals of reconstituted GFP (GRASP, green) were not detectable in any of the examined samples (n=5). (D) Representative image showing trans-Tango experiments using DSK-2A-GAL4 (R69E06-lexA, lexAop-rCD2::RFP UAS-mCD8::GFP; DSK-2A-GAL4 x UAS-myrGFP, QUAS-mtdTomato::3xHA; trans-Tango). Transsynaptic activation of Tango signals (blue; mtdTomato::3xHA detected by anti-HA) was undetectable in Goro neurons (red; rCD2::RFP detected by anti-CD2). Green represents MP1 axons labeled by DSK-2A-GAL4 (myrGFP and mCD8::GFP detected by anti-GFP). Signals of mtdTom::3xHA in Goro neurons were not detected in any of the examined samples (n=4). Arrows indicate Goro somata. All scale bars represent 20 µm, except for the insets in (A) (5 µm).