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Please consider Newtonian fluids for questions 1, 2, 3. |
1 |
Please set the Q = 10 μL min−1, w = 100 μm, a = 2, L = 5, n = 1 and observe the effect of p (in other words, the effect of the curvature profile on micromixing performance). What is the effect of increasing p on mixing performance? |
2 |
Please set p = 2 and Q = 10 μL min−1 and play with w, a, L, and n values. Please state the most and the least effective geometrical parameters on mixing performance. |
3 |
Please try to find a set of parameters that gives the mixing performance for flow rates of 1000, 100, 10, and 1 μL min−1. The mixing index can go up to %99. Please try to spend at most 60 s for each flow rate value. |
4 |
Please apply the parameters that you found in question 3 for Q = 1 μL min−1 to the non-Newtonian fluid case. Keep the non-Newtonian coefficient 1 and evaluate mixing performance for various values of the flow behavior index between nindex = 0.7 (shear thickening fluid) and nindex = 1.3 (shear thinning fluid). Try to observe whether the mixing index is different for shear thinning and shear thickening fluids. |
5 |
Repeat question 4 for Q = 1 μL min−1. Please compare the effect of the non-Newtonian fluid characteristic for different flow rates. What might be the reason if you observe any difference? |
6 |
For Q = 1 μL min−1 and nindex = 0.7, please vary the fluid consistency coefficient as powers of 10 (e.g., 10−2, 10−1, and 103). Does the fluid consistency coefficient affect the mixing performance of the micromixer? |
7 |
Please repeat question 6 for Q = 1 μL min−1 and nindex = 1.3. Is the effect of fluid consistency coefficient the same for shear thickening and shear thinning fluids? |
8 |
Do you think micromixers that were designed for Newtonian fluids should be re-designed when used with a non-Newtonian fluid based on your understanding from the app? |
9 |
Did you have previous background about micromixers (their design and application)? |