(A) Schematic of microfluidic generation of microgels. (B) Schematic of HA-NB microgels (green) annealed with a tetrazine linker to form MAP scaffolds. (C) Reaction schematic of HA-Tet synthesis. (D) Complex modulus for microgels without Tet- linker (gray), HA-Tet (green), and 4arm-PEG-Tet (blue) linkers across strain. (E) Time-sweep of MAP annealing using non-lyo-microgels without Tet- linker, 4arm-PEG-Tet (blue), and HA-Tet (green) linkers for MAP gelation. (F) Storage moduli (solid) and loss moduli (open) of MAP gels comprised of microgels annealed with 4arm-PEG-Tet determined by frequency sweep. (G) Storage moduli (solid) and loss moduli (open) of MAP gels comprised of non-lyo-microgels annealed with HA-Tet determined by frequency sweep. A one-way ANOVA with Tukey HSD was performed on the samples for rheology testing (n = 3), with significance reported at p < 0.05 (*), <0.01 (**), <0.005 (***), and <0.001 (****).