(A) Lyo-microgels can be reconstituted at varying final wt% in MAP scaffolds which corresponds to (B-C) increasing particle fraction while non-lyo-microgels concentrated via centrifugation exhibit a larger range of the final particle fraction in MAP (scale bar = 100 μm). The gray box in each condition corresponds to ± standard deviation centered around the mean particle fraction. (D) 2D analysis of pores represented by frequency distributions of pore area for each scaffold type. (E) Storage moduli (solid) and loss moduli (open) of MAP gels comprised of lyo-microgels at varied wt% MAP annealed with HA-Tet determined by frequency sweep. (F) Storage moduli (solid) and loss moduli (open) of MAP gels comprised of lyo-microgels at varied wt% MAP annealed with HA-Tet at an angular frequency of 1 Hz. A one-way ANOVA with Tukey HSD was performed on the samples for rheology testing (n = 3), with significance reported at p < 0.05 (*), <0.01 (**), <0.005 (***), and <0.001 (****). Force curves generated with AFM show microgel surface (G) and local stiffness (H). (I) Bulk and local scaffold stiffness of nanoporous gels and MAP gels comprised of lyo-microgels with the same composition as nanoporous gels. A one-way ANOVA with Tukey HSD was performed on the samples (n = 3), with significance reported at p < 0.05 (*), <0.01 (**), <0.005 (***), and <0.001 (****).