[A] Survival of WT NNT (solid circle black line, n = 17), Itgam−/− NNT (solid circle green line, n = 10) and both groups of mice treated with 25μg of cobra venom factor (WT NNT, solid circle dotted black line, n = 12; Itgam−/− NNT, solid circle dotted green line, n = 11) and WT AD mice (open circle grey line, n = 11) following IP challenge with GAS5, a Streptococccus pyogenes strain with necrotizing fasciitis potential in humans, at 5 – 50 CFU per gram of body weight.
[B] Survival of WT NNT (solid circle black line, n = 13), WT AD (open circle grey line, n = 7) and Itgam−/− (open circle muted green line, n = 8) mice following IP challenge with GBS5, a Streptococcus agalactiae strain at 3 x 105 CFU per gram of body weight. Each data point represents an individual mouse, and data are representative of experiments repeated at least twice. N.S., not significant.