Figure 3. Co-integrated spatial transcriptomics and metabolomics of APAs.
A, Spatial-weighted correlation analysis and Ward.D2 hierarchical clustering of 7 APA (P01-P07) identified 2 distinct signatures with CYP11B2 expression (CYP11B2-type 1 and CYP11B2-type 2). B, HALLMARK gene set enrichment of CYP11B2-type 1 and CYP11B2-type 2. C, Distribution of KCNJ5 mutated (APA-KCNJ5MUT) and wild type APA (APA-KCNJ5WT) according to CYP11B2-type 1 and CYP11B2-type 2 transcriptomic signatures. D, MetaboAnalyst 5.0 pathway enrichment analysis of discriminative metabolites in APA-KCNJ5MUTversus APA-KCNJ5WT. Annotated pathways selected by unadjusted P<0.05 (hypergeometric test). Circles indicate pathway impact (horizontal axis, topology analyses; vertical axis, enrichment). E, CYP11B2 immunohistochemistry and MALDI-MSI showing spatial distribution of pro-ferroptotic metabolites in 2 APAs with or without a KCNJ5 mutation. Scale bars, 1 mm.