Kaplan-Meier survival plots with log-rank test results and median OS of the two GB cohorts, individually or combined, stratified for SIGLEC16 (S16, A-C), polySia on tumor cells (pSia, D-F), or both parameters (G-I), as indicated. The three cases with identified IDH1/2 mutations in the UMG cohort were SIGLEC16P/P/polySia−, SIGLEC16P/P/polySia+, and SIGLEC16+/P/polySia+ with OS = 3, 5, and 7 months, respectively. For comparisons of subgroups in G-I, P values < 0.05 and respective FDR adjusted q values are reported. # denotes that one SIGLEC16
P/P, polySia + case in the MHH cohort was censored because OS was zero.