During Barnes maze, stroke mice showed no difference in time to find the escape hole compared to sham mice on day 21 post surgery. On day 42 post surgery, stroke mice perform worse than sham, and also had increasing time to find the escape hole compared to day 21 after stroke, p<0.01 (A). Interestingly, on day 21 stroke mice make approximately the same number of errors as sham do prior to finding the escape hole, yet on day 42, stroke mice not only make more errors than sham but more errors than they did on day 21, suggesting progressive cognitive decline (p=0.01) (B). Findings of day 28 NORT also are indicative of cognitive decline, stroke mice spend less time with novel object in relation to familiar object when compared to sham, ratio of time, p<0.01 (C). stroke mice spend less time displaying freezing behavior during contextual fear condition on day p<0.01 (D). Stroke n=17, sham n=11.