Figure 5: Neuronal mRNA+ cell counts increase in region-specific manner following ASPA re-expression at juvenile age.
(A-C) Total summed Doublecortin (DCX), RbFox3, and GAP43 mRNA+ cell counts for select brain regions (referenced in Fig 4). (D) Quantification of mRNA+ cells at the 1-week post-treatment timepoint (7 weeks of age) and (E) at the 4-week post-treatment timepoint (10 weeks of age). Two-way ANOVA with multi-comparison correction, CI 99%, mean ±SD, ns = not significant, * p<0.0332; ** p<0.0021, *** p<0.0002, **** p<0.0001. Abbr.: doublecortin (DCX), RNA binding fox-1 homolog-3 (RbFox3), growth associated protein 43 (GAP43).