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. 2023 Jun 26;10:1206756. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2023.1206756

Table 2.

Bacteriological and biochemical characteristics of Klebsiella aerogenes strain-RD99.

Tests performed Test result (Strain RD99)
Colony morphology Medium size, glossy, mucoid colony
Gram stain Gram negative bacilli
Catalase test Positive
Oxidase test Negative
Kligler's Iron Agar (KIA) test
a. Acid production in slant Positive
b. acid production in butt Positive
c. Hydrogen sulfide production (H2S) Negative
d. Gas production Positive
Motility Indole Ureas Test (MIU)
a. Motility Positive (After 36 h)
b. Indole Production Negative
c. Urea hydrolysis Negative
Simmons citrate reaction test Positive
Acetate Negative
Sugar fermentation
a. Glucose Positive
b. Lactose Positive
c. Sucrose Positive
d. Maltose Positive
e. Mannose Positive
f. Arabinose Positive
g. Sorbitol Positive
h. Mannitol Positive
i. Inositol Positive
j. Esculin Positive
Nitrate reduction Positive
Gelatine liquefaction Negative
ONPG Positive
Vogas-proskauer Positive
Lysine decarboxylase Positive
Ornithine decarboxylase Positive (After 36 hours)
Arginine Dihydrolase Negative
Haemolysis on Blood Agar Gamma-hemolysis
Growth on agar media
a. MacConkey Agar Light pink color colony
b. SS agar agar Light pink color colony
c. CHROMagar™ Orientation Metallic blue color colony
d. Blood agar Gray white colony
e. Gelatin agar White colony
Growth temperature 26–40°C
API 20E number 5305773 (Detect Enterobacter aerogenes with 96% pro bability)