Metal coating the polymer-film sample decreased frequency noise significantly. Spectrum of cantilever frequency fluctuations observed experimentally (right-hand axis) and the equivalent power spectral density of force fluctuations (left-hand axis, calculated using eq 1). (a) Force fluctuation spectrum over a gold-coated film prepared by lamination (blue, tip–sample separation ; see Figure 6) and over bare polystyrene (orange, ). (b) Force fluctuation spectrum over gold-coated film prepared by lamination (blue, ; see Figure 6) and by e-beam evaporation (orange, ). All data were taken at a temperature of and an external magnetic field of . The gold thickness was 12 nm. The zero-to-peak cantilever amplitude was . The data in (a) and the blue data in (b) were acquired using cantilever A (Table 1), while the orange data in (b) were acquired using cantilever B. The dashed lines are the thermomechanical force noise, eq 2, and the corresponding thermally limited frequency noise.