Figure 3.
Graph showing the estimated World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Version (WHOQOL-BREF) physical health domain scores across a range of health expectation gap (HEG) values for a standardized patient. The HEG, shown on the x-axis across a range of values commonly observed in this study, is defined as participants’ perceived health at 6 mo as measured using the EQ-5D visual analog scale (0-100 scale), minus their expected health (0-100 scale) at hospital discharge. The y-axis shows predicted WHOQOL-BREF score for the physical health domain. Predicted WHOQOL-BREF physical health domain scores (blue line) are for a prototypical patient in this cohort of survivors of acute respiratory failure (male patient who can perform all activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living at the 6-mo follow-up, with median values for age, resilience, and perceived social support scores), with an EQ-5D visual analog scale score for perceived health of 65 at follow-up. Estimates were obtained using the adjusted multivariate models incorporating cubic regression splines to model the nonlinear relationship between the HEG and the physical health domain scores of the WHOQOL-BREF instrument. Shaded areas indicate 95% CIs.