N (%)a | |
Race/ethnicity | |
Black | 2 (15) |
Black/Hispanic | 1 (8) |
Black/Jamaican | 1 (8) |
Latinx | 1 (8) |
White | 7 (54) |
White/Jewish | 1 (8) |
Gender identity | |
Cisgender woman | 6 (46) |
Cisgender man | 1 (8) |
Nonbinary | 3 (23) |
Gender nonconforming/Nonbinary | 1 (8) |
Queer/Nonbinary | 1 (8) |
Genderqueer | 1 (8) |
Sexual identity | |
Bisexual | 1 (8) |
Gay | 1 (8) |
Lesbian | 1 (8) |
Pansexual | 1 (8) |
Queer | 8 (62) |
Queer/Demisexual | 1 (8) |
Professional/personal role | |
Health care practitioner | 6 (46) |
Personal lived experience | 9 (69) |
Policy/advocacy | 3 (23) |
Research/education | 9 (69) |
Country of Residence | |
Canada | 4 (31) |
United States | 9 (69) |
Totals do not add to 100% because of the ability to identify with multiple options.