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. 2020 Apr 15;5(2):S55–S77. doi: 10.21980/J8W35K
Milestone Did not achieve level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
1 Emergency Stabilization (PC1)
Did not achieve Level 1

Recognizes abnormal vital signs

Recognizes an unstable patient, requiring intervention
Performs primary assessment
Discerns data to formulate a diagnostic impression/plan

Manages and prioritizes critical actions in a critically ill patient
Reassesses after implementing a stabilizing intervention
2 Performance of focused history and physical (PC2)
Did not achieve Level 1

Performs a reliable, comprehensive history and physical exam

Performs and communicates a focused history and physical exam based on chief complaint and urgent issues

Prioritizes essential components of history and physical exam given dynamic circumstances
3 Diagnostic studies (PC3)
Did not achieve Level 1

Determines the necessity of diagnostic studies

Orders appropriate diagnostic studies.
Performs appropriate bedside diagnostic studies/procedures

Prioritizes essential testing
Interprets results of diagnostic studies
Reviews risks, benefits, contraindications, and alternatives to a diagnostic study or procedure
4 Diagnosis (PC4)
Did not achieve Level 1

Considers a list of potential diagnoses

Considers an appropriate list of potential diagnosis
May or may not make correct diagnosis

Makes the appropriate diagnosis
Considers other potential diagnoses, avoiding premature closure
5 Pharmacotherapy (PC5)
Did not achieve Level 1

Asks patient for drug allergies

Selects an medication for therapeutic intervention, consider potential adverse effects

Selects the most appropriate medication and understands mechanism of action, effect, and potential side effects
Considers and recognizes drug-drug interactions
6 Observation and reassessment (PC6)
Did not achieve Level 1

Reevaluates patient at least one time during case

Reevaluates patient after most therapeutic interventions

Consistently evaluates the effectiveness of therapies at appropriate intervals
7 Disposition (PC7)
Did not achieve Level 1

Appropriately selects whether to admit or discharge the patient

Appropriately selects whether to admit or discharge
Involves the expertise of some of the appropriate specialists

Educates the patient appropriately about their disposition
Assigns patient to an appropriate level of care (ICU/Tele/Floor)
Involves expertise of all appropriate specialists
9 General Approach to Procedures (PC9)
Did not achieve Level 1

Identifies pertinent anatomy and physiology for a procedure
Uses appropriate Universal Precautions

Obtains informed consent
Knows indications, contraindications, anatomic landmarks, equipment, anesthetic and procedural technique, and potential complications for common ED procedures

Determines a back-up strategy if initial attempts are unsuccessful
Correctly interprets results of diagnostic procedure
20 Professional Values (PROF1)
Did not achieve Level 1

Demonstrates caring, honest behavior

Exhibits compassion, respect, sensitivity and responsiveness

Develops alternative care plans when patients’ personal beliefs and decisions preclude standard care
22 Patient centered communication (ICS1)
Did not achieve level 1

Establishes rapport and demonstrates empathy to patient (and family) Listens effectively

Elicits patient’s reason for seeking health care

Manages patient expectations in a manner that minimizes potential for stress, conflict, and misunderstanding.
Effectively communicates with vulnerable populations, (at risk patients and families)
23 Team management (ICS2)
Did not achieve level 1

Recognizes other members of the patient care team during case (nurse, techs)

Communicates pertinent information to other healthcare colleagues

Communicates a clear, succinct, and appropriate handoff with specialists and other colleagues
Communicates effectively with ancillary staff