Extended Data Fig. 9. Interpretation of droplet digital PCR results for parents with mosaicism >1%.
(a) ddPCR shows the PBX1 p.Arg107Trp variant in PED043 is present at different allelic ratios in paternal sperm (20.1%) compared to paternal blood (10.4%). The mother does not carry the variant and s and the proband is heterozygous. (b) ddPCR of the TUBA1A p.Arg64Trp variant in PED084 is present at an allelic ratio of 2.9% in paternal sperm and at 2.3% in paternal blood. The maternal sample is negative for the mutation, and the proband is heterozygous. Figures are generated by the original QuantasoftTM software for ddPCR analysis (BioRad). The concentration (copies/µl) of the WT and the Mutant allele are used to calculate the fractional abundance (mean with 95% CI).