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. 2023 Jun 27;11:1213851. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1213851

Table 5.

GAD risk regression model.

Value of p Exp(B) 95% C.I. for EXP(B)
Lower Upper
Sex (Female) <0.001 1.439 1.211 1.711
Region (Qassim as reference) <0.001
Al Jouf 0.002 2.207 1.332 3.656
Northern border 0.195 1.423 0.834 2.428
Tabuk 0.018 1.868 1.113 3.136
Hail 0.035 1.749 1.040 2.942
Madinah 0.002 2.212 1.333 3.672
Makkah 0.000 2.593 1.578 4.260
Riyadh 0.006 2.059 1.235 3.434
Eastern region 0.000 4.734 2.954 7.588
Baha 0.049 1.693 1.003 2.859
Asir 0.000 2.854 1.745 4.666
Jazan 0.000 3.405 2.102 5.516
Najran 0.000 5.524 3.463 8.813
Monthly Income (less than 5 K as reference) 0.022
More than 5 K SAR/Month 0.006 0.751 0.613 0.920
No Stable monthly income 0.201 0.866 0.695 1.080
Education (bachelor’s degree or above) 0.287 0.914 0.774 1.079
Practicing a daily hobby in the last 30 days (Yes) 0.009 0.758 0.616 0.933
Volunteering in the last 30 days (Yes) 0.001 0.619 0.469 0.818
Smoking Cigarette (Yes) 0.001 1.440 1.157 1.791
Waterpipe Smoking (Yes) 0.004 1.405 1.115 1.772
Physical Activity (ALPA) 0.417 0.917 0.743 1.131
Marital Status (Married) 0.369 1.092 0.902 1.322
Age 0.226 1.004 0.997 1.012

Bold indicates significant associations.