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. 2023 Jul 10;15(1):2231596. doi: 10.1080/19490976.2023.2231596

Table 1.

Clinical characteristics of infants and mothers included in the study.

  NB 4 M 12 M
Sample size 136 109 95
Sampling time (months after delivery) 7.05 (10.20)a 4.55 (1.04) 12.45 (0.67)
Gestational age in days, mean (SD) 277 (7.85) 277 (7.99) 278 (7.81)
Maternal BMI pre-pregnancy, mean (SD)b 21.09 (2.93) - -
Maternal BMI pre-delivery, mean (SD)b 27.01 (3.44) - -
Delivery mode      
Natural delivery 91 88 82
C-section 45 21 13
Infant weight SD score, mean (SD) 0.14 (0.64) −0.02 (0.99)d −0.08 (1.71)e
Infant length SD score, mean (SD) 0.52 (1.00)c 0.13 (1.12)d −0.06 (0.97)e
Male 64 51 47
Female 72 58 48
Feeding patternf      
Exclusively breast milk feeding 44 82 25
Mix feeding (breast + formula feeding) 88 26 26
Exclusively formula feeding 4 1 26
Antibiotics to infant (first week, 1 week to 4 months, 4–12 months) 0 10g 14h

a. days after delivery; b. data from 36 subjects were missed; c. data from 8 subjects were missed; d. data from 16 subjects were missed; e. data from 2 subjects were missed; f. data from 18 subjects in the 12 M group were missed. Exclusively breast milk feeding indicates no formula milk exposure within 48 hours before sampling. All infants in the 12 M group included cereals and other solid food in their diet; g. data from 9 subjects were missed; h. data from 18 subjects were missed.