Activities and experiences that benefit mental health in general |
What sorts of things have helped your mental health and well-being in your everyday life? |
Is there anything that has helped particularly during the pandemic? |
Was there anything that helped particularly before the pandemic? |
Can you describe how they affect your mental health? |
Ways in which online arts and culture impact mental health |
Do you think online arts and culture are, or could be useful for mental health and well-being? |
What sorts of experiences related to online arts and culture do you think are or could be helpful? |
What sorts of impact might they have on mental health? |
Ways in which online arts and culture could be improved for mental health |
In what ways could online arts and culture be improved? |
What sorts of things might they target—mood/anxiety related? |
Any other elements—structure, connection, stimulation, other? |
Engagement with online arts and culture for mental health |
Do you or would you consider visiting online arts and culture if you thought it could help your mental health and well-being? |
What would attract you to accessing online arts and culture that might help with mental health and well-being? |
When do you think would be best to use it, for example, at all times, or when you have noticed a problem? |
Is it something would like as a series or programme, if so, about how many sessions, how would you like to be engaged? |