Fig. 2. Validation of the rDNA arrays and TAG repeat arrays.
a, Comparison of the copy number of 5S rDNAs in the assembly and that estimated with ultralong ONT, PacBio HiFi data and Illumina PCR-free data. b, The hybridized locations of the probes TAG repeats (red) and telomeric repeats (green) on the meiotic pachytene chromosomes of Mo17. The lengths of TAG repeats harbored by corresponding TAG repeat arrays were pointed out. Four replicates were conducted. c, Comparison of the copy number of 45S rDNAs in the assembly and that estimated by ultralong ONT data, PacBio HiFi data, Illumina PCR-free data and digital PCR. The data of digital PCR-based estimation were obtained from four replicates. The mean ± s.d. was represented.