Fig. 2.
Canonical EHV-1 transcripts. This figure presents the canonical transcripts of EHV-1 identified using the LoRTIA program suit. Canonical mRNAs are defined as the most abundant transcript containing the same ORFs and the same exon-intron structure if spliced. All of the annotated non-coding RNAs and fusion transcripts are also depicted. Color code: black: mRNAs, red: ncRNAs, blue: fusion transcripts, yellow: mRNAs undetected by dRNA-Seq and fusion transcripts of which only the introns and TESs were detected by dRNA-Seq but not the TSS of the transcript. The shade of the colors corresponds to the abundance: 1: 1–9 reads, 2: 10–49 reads, 3: 50–199 reads, 4: 200–999 reads, 5: >1000 reads.