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. 2023 Jul 11;23:256. doi: 10.1186/s12890-023-02550-0

Table 1.

Data sources

Data set Coverage Key information (including coding system)
Primary care
 CPRD Aurum Start of patient GP registration – c. October 2020 Symptoms and clinical diagnoses, demographic characteristics, vaccination history, lifestyle and behaviours (e.g. smoking history), laboratory test results, prescriptions, referrals to secondary care (SNOmed codes, READ codes)
Linked data sets
 ONS Death registration data 1998–2020 Date, place and cause of death including underlying and contributory causes of death (ICD-10)
Hospital Episode Statistics (HES)

 Admitted Patient

Care (APC)

1997–2020 Details of all admissions to NHS hospitals in England (including acute, mental and primary care trust hospitals) including clinical diagnoses (ICD-10) and procedures performed (OPCS)

 Diagnostic Imaging

Dataset (DID)

2012–2020 Type of imaging performed (CT, X-ray, MRI) and body area imaged (e.g. chest)