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. 2023 Jul 12;2023(7):CD011535. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD011535.pub6

Ye 2020.

Study characteristics
Methods RCT, active‐controlled study
Date of study: August 2017 to February 2019
Location: China
Participants Randomised: 150 participants
Inclusion criteria
  • Patients who met the diagnostic criteria for psoriasis vulgaris

  • Patients who had no other skin system diseases patients who co‐operated with the treatment

  • Patients whose clinical data were complete

Exclusion criteria
  • Patients who were allergic to or unsuitable for the treatment

  • Patients who had undergone systemic psoriasis treatment within the previous weeks; patients who had received glucocorticoids or formic acid immunosuppressants within the previous two weeks

  • Patients who had congenital immunodeficiencies in addition to psoriasis

Baseline characteristics
N = 150, mean of age 33 years, and 57% men
Dropouts and withdrawals
Not stated
Interventions Intervention
A. Acitretin per os initial dose 30 mg/d
Control intervention
B. No treatment
Co‐intervention: narrow‐band ultraviolet therapy
Outcomes At week 8
Primary outcomes
  • Basic recovery (patients with PASI score reduction between 60% and 89%)

  • Significant improvement (patients with PASI score reduction over than 90%: "good curative effect")

  • Improvement (patients with PASI score reduction between 20% and 59%)

  • Ineffectual treatment (patients with PASI score reduction less than 20%)

Secondary outcomes
  • Recurrence within 1 year after the treatment (patients were notified to revisit the clinic by telephone)

Notes Funding source: not stated
Declarations of interest: Quote (p 5074): "None"
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote (p 5069): "The patients were randomly divided into the control group (n = 75) and the observation group (n = 75)."
Comment: no description of the method used to guarantee random sequence generation
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Unclear risk Quote (p 5069): "The patients were randomly divided into the control group (n = 75) and the observation group (n = 75)."
Comment: no description of the method used to guarantee allocation concealment
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias)
All outcomes High risk Comment: no description of whether the trial is blinded or open
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias)
All outcomes High risk Comment: no description of whether the trial is blinded or open
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias)
All outcomes Unclear risk Randomised 150, analysed 150
Comment: methods for dealing with missing data not specified, ITT analysis
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Comment: no protocol was available. The prespecified outcomes mentioned in the Methods section appeared to have been reported.