Sau-41 represses S. aureus haemolytic activity. (a) Schematic illustration of the mutation of the PSMα4 start codon. (b) Hemolytic ring of the RN4220 strain carrying Sau-41/Sau-41mt overexpression, knockdown or empty vector plasmid grown on sheep blood agar overnight. (c) Hemolytic activity of the RN4220 strain carrying Sau-41/Sau-41mt overexpression, knockdown or empty vector plasmid determined by incubating bacterial supernatants with 3% human red blood cell. PBS was used as a negative control, and H2O was used as a positive control. (n = 3/group) (d) Transcript levels of hla, hld, psmα, psmβ, hlgA, hlgB, and hlgC were investigated by qPCR in strain RN4220 carrying pRMC2 or pRmc2_sau-41 (n = 3/group). (e) Volcano plot showing the haemolytic factor transcriptional differences between strain RN4220 carrying pRMC2 or pRmc2_sau-41 and their corresponding adjusted p value (q value). (f) the transcriptional activity of hla in strain RN4220 was assessed by analysing cells that harboured plasmids capable of either overexpressing or knocking down Sau-41 (n = 3/group). *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. Sau-41+: RN4220 carrying the pRmc2_sau-41 plasmid, Sau-41mt+: RN4220 carrying the pRmc2_sau-41mt plasmid, Sau-41kd: RN4220 carrying pSd1_sau-41, wild-type: RN4220 carrying the pRMC2 empty vector.