Fig 7. Integration of the Marmoset Brain Connectivity Atlas data.
We integrated retrograde tracer data from the Marmoset Brain Connectivity Atlas into the BMCR. The top matrices show the visual similarity of tracer data in the cortex of marmosets (based on normalized cross-correlation). (a) Similarity between all pairs of anterograde tracers as a reference, and for (b), pairs were formed between BMCR anterograde tracers and retrograde tracers from the Marmoset Brain Connectivity Atlas based on the distance of the nearest injection site. Panel (c) shows the similarity among tracer signals injected into different locations in the cortex for the 2 tracer types. Both matrices suggest similar connectivity patterns (Person correlation with a P-value of <10−6). Panel (d) shows an example of notable overlap between a pair of datasets from both projects with similar injection sites. The retrograde signal is shown over the segmentation of the anterograde tracer (red). Data availability: The source code that generated the plots is publicly available (, filename: BMCR_Fig 07_Fig 08.ipynb), and the corresponding data are publicly available on the CBS Data Sharing Platform ( BMCR, Brain/MINDS Marmoset Connectivity Resource.