Comparison of EEG features following active avoidance in ELS and CTL rats. A. Relative power. The CTL-BL group had the lowest relative delta and highest relative theta compared to the other groups. B. Absolute power. In both the ELS and CTL groups, BL resulted in higher total power, lower delta power and higher theta power than the YL groups. C. Coherence. The ELS-BL had higher coherences in total, theta, slow gamma and med. Gamma coherences than the other groups. D. PLV. The ELS-BL had higher PLV in total, theta, slow gamma and med. Gamma than the ELS-YL groups. PLV was higher in the CTL-BL group than the CT-YL group. (p values: ⊗ ≤0.05; + ≤0.01; * ≤0.001; # ≤0.0001).