Extended Data Fig. 3. Cryo-EM of LIN28B nucleosome.
a) Representative cryo-EM micrograph from a set of 6000 micrographs collected with Titan Krios electron microscope at 300 keV. Nucleosome particles in multiple orientations are visible. b) Representative 2D class averages showing nucleosomes. Many details in nucleosomes are visible in 2D class averages. c) Cryo-EM map of nucleosome from the entire dataset, refined to 3.1 Å. Angular distribution for nucleosome is shown on the right. d) Fourier shell correlation (FSC) curve showing the resolution of the map in c). e) Directional FSC plot showing uniform resolution in all directions. f) Classification of the LIN28B nucleosome dataset resulted in three classes of nucleosome like particles (nucleosome, unwrapped nucleosome and hexasome). Number of particles corresponding to each class is indicated. g) Classification of LIN28B nucleosome particles from f) showing that DNA protrudes on both sides of nucleosome in some classes.