Fig. 5. Fitness trade-offs within patients.
A Selection of 10 patients with both MDR and non-MDR isolates from the total cohort of 35 patients based on resistance phenotyping data. B Points show the mean growth rate in antibiotic-free culture medium (+/−s.e.m.) of 179 MDR and non-MDR isolates from patients with single strain (n = 6) or mixed strain (n = 4) populations. Line colour corresponds to patient number as shown in key. MDR was associated with reduced growth rate (P = 0.021), and the trade-off associated with MDR was strongest in mixed strain populations (P = 0.001). The data from this assay was analysed using ANOVA (see ‘Methods’ for model details, and Supplementary Table 5 for model output) and the raw data are presented in the source data file.