Fig. 5. Ultrafast process and devices physical characteristics.
a Hole transfer process kinetics in corresponding conditions. b Charge-transfer time and lifetime achieved through multi-exponential fitting in corresponding conditions. (τ1 is the fast components represent the kinetics of the exciton dissociation in mixing domain or at interfaces; τ2 is the slow components represent the kinetics of exciton diffusion in crystalline domain to interfaces; Ld is the exciton diffusion lengths; τp is the fitted decay lifetimes for positive polaron signal). c Derived charge lifetime as a function of charge density fitted from TPV and TPC results (λ is the exponential factor). d Recombination rate coefficient as a function of charge density fitted from TPV and TPC results. e Dark J-V curves for corresponding conditions. f Derived LUMO DoS from the capacitance spectra of devices, inset is the schematic illustration.