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. 2023 May 31;27(14):1959–1974. doi: 10.1111/jcmm.17787


The binding free energy of receptor‐ligand complex system by GMX‐MM/PBSA method.

Energy components (Kcal/mol)
Target Compounds △Evdw △Eelec △Ggas △Gsolv △Gbind
AKT1 Diosgenin −17.13 −1.6 −18.73 12.84 −5.90
Quercetin −21.65 −55.74 −77.39 69.85 −7.54
Formononetin −29.70 −15.10 −44.80 35.38 −9.43
G4Q501 (Ref) −74.08 −30.65 −104.74 72.42 −32.32
CAV1 Diosgenin −18.84 −0.77 −19.61 3.78 −15.83
Formononetin −20.98 −21.93 −42.91 29.22 −13.69
Kaempferol −23.08 −13.39 −36.47 25.61 −10.68
Gallic acid (Ref) −4.6 −35.76 −40.39 36.87 −3.52
DPP4 Diosgenin −22.39 −4.23 −26.62 13.87 −12.75
Luteolin −22.37 −41.20 −63.57 48.42 −15.15
Formononetin −29.58 −12.41 −41.99 29.98 −12.01
D3C801 (Ref) −11.13 −5.98 −17.11 12.14 −4.97
IL6 Luteolin −28.09 −63.02 −91.11 70.83 −20.28
Diosgenin −15.82 −0.82 −16.64 10.54 −6.10
Quercetin −21.93 −16.47 −38.40 32.91 5.49
TLA300 (Ref) −0.34 −0.46 −0.80 0.75 −0.05
INSR Diosgenin −30.51 −9.38 −39.89 32.01 −7.89
Luteolin −26.59 −28.42 −55.01 52.75 −2.26
Kaempferol −32.17 −15.76 −47.93 48.85 0.92
351B2001 (Ref) −6.26 −3.62 −9.88 5.44 −4.44
MAPK8 Diosgenin −29.50 −8.24 −37.74 15.06 −22.68
Quercetin −28.18 −22.50 −50.68 40.32 −10.45
Kaempferol −31.10 −23.73 −54.83 47.00 −7.83
CFK1 (Ref) −30.66 −24.61 −55.27 30.39 −24.89
MMP9 Diosgenin −35.70 −19.53 −55.23 33.65 −21.58
Luteolin −30.70 −18.97 −49.67 42.49 −7.19
Quercetin −32.78 −35.69 −68.47 59.17 −9.30
B9Z306 (Ref) −0.29 −0.53 −0.81 0.66 −0.15
PPARG Diosgenin −15.13 −1.60 −16.73 12.34 −4.40
β‐sitosterol −24.42 −0.08 −24.50 6.63 −17.87
Luteolin −21.66 −19.28 −40.94 33.49 −7.45
9WQ501 (Ref) −28.16 −10.92 −32.11 19.18 −12.93
SCL2A4 Kaempferol −32.56 −8.52 −41.08 36.97 −4.11
Luteolin −32.13 −12.42 −44.55 37.83 −6.72
Quercetin −28.84 −8.57 −37.42 30.11 −7.30
5RH601 (Ref) −45.60 −20.93 −66.53 57.47 −9.06

Abbreviations: ∆EvdW, van der Waals energy; ∆Eelec, electrostatic energy; ∆Ggas, gas‐phase free energy; ∆Gsolv, solvation free energy; ∆Gbind, total binding free energy; (Ref), reference system.