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. 2023 Jun 29;10:1194693. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2023.1194693

Table 3.

Tabulated summary of trial schedule.

Outcomes Instrument T0 T1 T2 T3
Primary outcome
Exercise capacity Peak oxygen uptake via cardiopulmonary exercise test on cycle ergometer X X X X
Secondary outcomes
Physical activity ActiGraph GT9X Link X X X X
Health related physical fitness
Body morphology/composition Body mass (body weight scale), height (stadiometer)and waist circumference (stretch-resistant measuring tape). Bioelectrical impedance will be used to assess fat and fat-free mass. X X X X
Handgrip strength Isometric handgrip grip strength of both hands using a Jamar Hydraulic Hand Dynamometer (Sammons Preston Inc.). X X X X
Quadriceps muscle strength Three voluntary maximal isometric contractions (6 s) performed at a 60° angle of the knee, with a 60-second rest period between each test, on a dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., 840–000 System 4, New York, USA). X X X X
Quadriceps muscle endurance 25 repetitive maximal isokinetic knee extensions at 180°/s, performed on a dynamometer. Mean torque and percentage decrement score will be used as markers for muscle endurance. X X X X
Cardiovascular health
Blood sampling Glucose homeostasis, blood lipid profile, NT-proBNP X X X
Rest and stress echocardiography Vivid E95 ultrasound scanner, semi-supine bicycle ergometer (Ergoline) is used for stress echocardiography. X X X
Health related QoL & psychosocial wellbeing EQ-5D-5l Questionnaire X X X X
SF-36 Questionnaire X X X X
Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale X X X X
Exercise Barriers Questionnaire X X X X
Social Support Questionnaire X X X
Implementation potential User experience Questionnaire X  
Adherence to exercise program X  
Patient Debriefs: Self-reported and objective measures (exercise log, heart rate measurements) X  
Evaluation towards cost-effectiveness Productivity Cost Questionnaire X X X X
Medical Consumption Questionnaire X X X X
Quality of life via EQ-5D-5l questionnaire X X X X
Safety monitoring Adverse events reporting by patients X——————––X
Other outcomes
Sociodemographic characteristics General Questionnaire X X X X
Substudy: muscle metabolism Device for muscle oxygenation measurements (PortaMon) X X
Substudy: vasoreactivity/vasomotor function Flow mediated slowing via Vicorder X X

T0, baseline; T1, measurement at 4 months; T2, measurements at 1 year; T3 measurements at 2 years; NIRS, near infrared spectroscopy; FMS, flow mediated slowing.