EVs entrapment in MoSERS nanocavities. (a) Schematic illustrating
the EVs introduced to the MoSERS nanocavities and entrapment of the
fluorescently labeled EVs in the nanocavities. Fluorescent micrograph
of EVs loaded in cavities (b) with embedded monolayer MoS2 and (d) without MoS2. The correlated movement of a single
EV through the incubation time in cavities (c) with embedded monolayer
MoS2 and (e) without MoS2. (f) Low-magnification
SEM image of single EVs entrapped in the nanocavities. (g) High-magnification
SEM image of a single cancer EV (U373) entrapped in a nanocavity.
(Inset: the TEM image showing the coexistence of MoS2 and
a single EV.) (h) The comparison of fluorescent intensity of the EVs
over time shows smallest bleaching slope for nanocavities on MoS2, monolayer MoS2, nanocavities, and silica, respectively.
(i) Comparison between the mean fluorescence intensity obtained from
EVs on SiO2, Nanocavities on SiO2, and nanocavities
on MoS2 with different diameters. (j) The averaged SERS
spectra from empty cavities (buffer), liposomes, EV populations derived
from noncancerous glial cells (NHA) and cultured glioma cells (U373).
Each spectrum is obtained from averaging 50 EVs; the SD is indicated
in gray. (k) PCA components (i.e., PCA score plot) for single EV recordings
obtained with the MoSERS platform. (l) PC1 and PC2 loading Raman bands
used to produce the PCA score plot shown in (k). (m) SERS spectra
for single EVs released from heterogeneous U373 cancer cells.