Figure 2.
Concept of using arginine-depleting enzymes in arginine deprivation for cancer treatment. Cancer cells that lack the ASS1 enzyme and require external sources of arginine are susceptible to this therapy. Three categories of arginine-depleting enzymes, including arginine deiminase related (ADI-PEG 20, SpyADI, NEI-01), arginase related (rhArg1-PEG, HAI-PEG 20 or BCA), and arginine decarboxylase related (rhADC), can be used to block the external supply of arginine, leading to cancer cell death through autophagy or apoptosis. ADI, arginine deiminase; SpyADI, Streptococcus pyogenes ADI; Arg, arginase; HAI-PEG 20, human arginase 1 mutant-PEG 20; BCA, Bacillus Caldovelox arginase; ASS1, argininosuccinate synthetase 1.