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. 2023 Jun 22;12(13):4217. doi: 10.3390/jcm12134217

Table 3.

Hepcidin levels in patients with chronic kidney disease randomized to receive roxadustat, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent (ESA), or placebo (ng/mL) a.

Study Roxadustat ESA Placebo
LSMD (95% CI)
p Value
n Mean Baseline LSM CFB
(95% CI)
n Mean Baseline LSM CFB
(95% CI)
n Mean Baseline LSM CFB (95% CI)
Chen [11] 86 95.9 −56.1 (63.4) b - - - 44 114.7 −15.1 (48.1) b −49.8 (−66.8, −32.8) -
Chen [10] BL: 204
Wk 27: 155
180.7 −30.2 (−64.8, −13.6) BL: 100
Wk 27: 90
148.3 −2.3 (−51.6, 6.2) - - - - -
CL-0314 [7] 99 24.0 −5.7 (18.4) b - - - - - - - -
CL-0310 [6] 201 39.3 - 131 39.7 - - - - - -
CL-0307 c 150 26.4 2.3 (27.3) b 151 24.4 −0.6 (27.1) b - - - - -
CL-0308 [9] 74 39.8 −23.2 (22.8) b - - - - - - - -
CL-0312 [9] 163 28.8 −6.2 (29.0) b - - - - - - - -
CL-0302 [8] ESA-N: 13
ESA-C: 43
ESA-N: 63.6
ESA-C: 45.9
−31.8 (39.4) b
−19.0 (21.6) b
- - - - - - - -
ALPS [12] BL: 382
Wk 52: 268
37.9 −12.3 (37.4) b - - - BL: 195
Wk 52: 114
41.2 −2.0 (40.7) b - -
OLYMPUS [13] BL: 1384
Wk 24: 658
163.2 −35.9 (−44.9, −27.0) - - - BL: 1377
Wk 24: 604
155.5 9.4 (0.2, 18.7) −45.4 (−56.2, −34.5) <0.001
ANDES [14] BL: 608
Wk 44: 396
110.7 −18.8 (−27.4, −10.3) - - - BL: 305
Wk 44: 152
106.1 6.9 (−5.3, 19.1) −25.7 (−38.5, −12.9) <0.0001
DOLOMITES [15] d - - - - - - - - - - -
HIMALAYAS [16] BL: 522
Wk 44: 356
173.2 −64.8 (−74.3, −55.3) BL: 513
Wk 44: 372
169.9 −54.1 (−63.4, −44.7) - - - −10.7 (−23.2, 1.8) 0.093
ROCKIES [17] BL: 1051
Wk 24: 608
275.6 −45.0 (−57.5, −32.5) BL: 1055
Wk 24: 625
269.6 −16.8 (−29.2, −4.4) - - - −28.2 (−42.0, −14.5) <0.001
PYRENEES c 404 73.4 −32.7 (42.3) b 413 80.8 −17.5 (47.3) b - - - - -
SIERRAS [19] BL: 369
Wk 52: 230
272.9 −99.9 (−118.2, −81.6) BL: 370
Wk 52: 265
270.7 −80.8 (−98.3, −63.3) - - - −19.1 (−39.5, 1.3) 0.066

Note: n numbers are the same for baseline and CFB unless otherwise specified. CFB, change from baseline; ESA, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent; ESA-N, ESA-naive; ESA-C, ESA-converted; LSM, least squares mean; LSMD, least squares mean difference. a To convert to SI units (nmol/L), multiply numbers by 0.3584. b Change from baseline (standard deviation) rather than least squares mean change from baseline. c Astellas data on file. d Source provides no values for this parameter.