a, Generation of liver-specific knockout (KO) of Rictor, Tsc1 or Raptor. b, Representative immunoblots to validate deletion of Rictor gene in livers of 4–6-month-old RictorKO male and female mice. Quantifications and percentage reduction of protein levels for RICTOR and P-AKTSer473/AKT in RictorKO livers are shown (n = 12 mice). c,d, Liver triglyceride (TGs) in 3–7-month-old Con, Tsc1KO and RaptorKO (c) or 4–5-month-old Con and RictorKO (d) male and female mice that were fed or fasted for 14–16 h. N values for number of mice per group are indicated in parentheses. For c, fed Con (n = 27), fasted Con (n = 11) and fed or fasted Tsc1KO or RaptorKO mice (n = 4). For d, fed Con (n = 24), fasted Con (n = 13), fed RictorKO (n = 23) and fasted RictorKO (n = 12). e, Representative Oil Red O stains in livers of 6-month-old Con or RictorKO male mice fasted for 14–16 h (n = 5 mice). f, Serum FFA levels in fed or 14–16 h fasted 3–6-month-old Con or RictorKO male mice. Fed Con (n = 8), fasted Con (n = 9), fed RictorKO (n = 7) and fasted RictorKO (n = 5) mice. g, Area under curve (AUC) for OCRs in Con and RictorKO livers from fed or 14–16 h fasted mice. Fed Con (n = 12), fasted Con (n = 11), fed RictorKO (n = 12) and fasted RictorKO (n = 10) mice. h, Acylcarnitine (AC) content in livers of 4–5-month-old Con or RictorKO male mice (n = 4 mice). i, MitoTracker CMXRos fluorescence in serum-deprived and OA-treated siControl (siCon) or siRictor NIH3T3 cells (siCon 59 cells and siRictor 59 cells from n = 3 independent experiments). j, Representative 3D-TEM images of mitochondria in livers of 4–5-month-old Con or RictorKO male mice (n = 3 mice). Please refer to Supplementary Video 1 (Con) and Supplementary Video 2 (RictorKO). Ponceau is loading control. Individual replicates and means are shown. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001 and ****P < 0.0001, two-tailed unpaired Student’s t-test (b, h and i); two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test (c, d and g). Please refer to Supplementary Table 10 statistical summary. Source numerical data are available in Source Data Extended Data Table 1, and unprocessed blots are available in the Source Data for this figure.
Source data