Figure 1.
Correlation analyses of TCGA mRNA data for CD8+ T cell-related immune and interferon-related markers
(A) TCGA LUAD (n = 510) Spearman rank correlation analysis and associated scatterplot distribution for comparisons between gene set variation analysis (GSVA) enrichment scores and either RNAseq normalized CD8A counts, or ESTIMATE algorithm derived immune and stromal scores, Spearman Rho value, 95% confidence interval, and p value provided in the figure.
(B) TCGA LUSC Spearman rank correlation analysis (n = 484) and associated scatterplot distribution for comparisons between gene set variation analysis (GSVA) enrichment scores and either RNAseq normalized CD8A counts or ESTIMATE algorithm derived immune and stromal scores, Spearman Rho value, 95% confidence interval, and p value provided in the figure.
(C) TCGA LUAD (n = 510) Spearman rank correlation analysis between targeted interferon-associated genes RNAseq normalized counts, ESTIMATE immune, and ESTIMATE stromal score, Spearman Rho value provided in the figure, correlations with padj >0.05 are depicted as blank in figure. Top panel: Correlogram, Bottom panel: Network plot.
(D) TCGA LUSC (n = 484) Spearman rank correlation analysis between targeted interferon-associated genes RNAseq normalized counts, ESTIMATE immune, and ESTIMATE stromal score, Spearman Rho value provided in the figure, correlations with padj >0.05 are depicted as blank in figure. Top panel: Correlogram, Bottom panel: Network plot.