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. 2023 Jul 2;9(7):e17623. doi: 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17623

Table 7.

Comparison of Domain Responses of Gender, Age group and BMI in Phase 2.

P-value1 Pairwise Comparison
Gender Male (N = 79) Female (N = 434)
UE 255.68 257.24 0.931
EE 240.46 260.01 0.278
CR 229.80 261.95 0.075
Age group I (18–26)
N = 456
II (27–35)
N = 29
III (36–45)
N = 28
UE 263.56 238.14 169.75 0.004 I vs III*
EE 257.85 262.86 237.04 0.750 ns
CR 249.04 301.71 340.30 0.002 I vs III*
BMI I (Underweight)
N = 69
II (Normal)
N = 275
III (Overweight)
N = 113
IV (Obese)
N = 56
UE 243.67 245.45 255.57 333.04 <0.001 I vs IV*, II vs IV*
III vs IV*
EE 219.57 235.23 298.89 325.49 <0.001 I vs III*, I vs IV*
II vs III*, II vs IV*
CR 186.48 274.23 283.47 205.85 <0.001 I vs II*, I vs III*
II vs IV*, III vs IV*

Results of the Kruskal-Wallis H test comparing the difference between the response score in the population divided based on gender, age group and BMI. * The mean rank difference is significant at the 0.05 level. CR-cognitive restraint, UE-uncontrolled eating, EE-emotional eating, BMI -body mass index. BMI categories are defined as ≤18.5 kg/cm2 underweight, 18.5–24.9 kg/cm2 normal weight status, 25.0–29.9 kg/cm2 overweight and ≥30.0 kg/cm2 obese. Age presented in years.