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. 2023 Apr 12;11(7):3788–3798. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.3364


Adjusted odds based on the number of dairy products and meats servings consumed among cases and controls.

Food item (serving size) AOR (95% CI) a p‐value of trend
≤1 serving per week b 2–3 servings per week 4–6 servings per week ≥1 serving per day
Milk (cup) 1 2.04(1.14–3.64) 1.75(0.77–3.90) 1.66(0.94–2.95) .041
No. of cases/control 73/180 37/52 17/21 46/61
Yogurt (cup) 1 1.74(0.95–3.19) 1.12(0.44–2.85) 1.77(0.86–3.66) .109
No. of cases/control 23/73 91/159 13/28 46/54
Cooked yogurt (Jameed; cup) 1 1.12(0.57–2.22) .129
No. of cases/control 167/297 6/16 0/0 0/1
Drained Yogurt (Labneh; 1/4 cup) 1 0.91(0.45–1.88) 1.02(0.40–2.64) 1.13(0.53–2.40) .832
No. of cases/control 26/60 59/81 12/37 76/136
Buttermilk (cup) 1 2.07(1.12–3.83) 1.89(0.75–4.76) 1.51(0.28–8.16) .018
No. of cases/control 105/241 47/47 16/18 5/8
White cheese (oz) 1 2.94(1.5–5.63) 2.69(1.11–6.5) 4.18(1.97–8.86) <.001
No. of cases/control 34/142 69/99 24/28 46/45
Processed cheese (oz) 1 1.85(1.11–3.08) 2.19(0.87–5.54) 3.25(1.57–6.75) <.001
No. of cases/control 81/209 51/73 13/12 28/20
Ice cream (1/2 cup_ 1 1.51(0.92–2.48) 1.30(0.63–2.70) 0.64(0.24–1.69) .741
No. of cases/control 79/170 62/83 24/34 8/27
Cooked red meat (veal; oz) 1 2.18(0.86–5.54) 2.43(0.93–6.36) 4.27(1.62–11.2) .011
No. of cases/control 10/39 65/143 43/79 55/53
Cooked red meet (lamb; oz) 1 1.00(0.60–1.67) 1.36(0.23–8.12) 3.34(1.85–6.03) <.001
No. of cases/control 3/17 16/50 36/83 118/164
Grilled red meat (oz) 1 1.04(0.63–1.74) 1.48(0.39–5.56) 1.37(0.41–4.62) .910
No. of cases/control 110/203 52/90 6/12 5/9
Cooked Chicken (oz) 1 1.61(0.65–4.01) 5.31(1.81–15.54) 3.00(1.29–7.02) .003
No. of cases/control 9/48 37/85 20/18 107/163
Cooked liver (oz) 1 0.92(0.55–1.53) 1.66(0.27–10.35) 0.77(0.19–3.05) .651
No. of cases/control 122/224 44/77 4/3 3/10
Cooked fish (oz) 1 0.66(0.40–1.08) 0.57(0.28–1.14) 0.67(0.24–1.89) .080
No. of cases/control 66/82 75/167 23/49 9/16
Tuna (oz) 1 0.96(0.60–1.55) 1.59(0.72–3.48) 0.35(0.04–3.21) .566
No. of cases/control 192/171 61/114 19/22 1/7
Cooked eggs (egg) 1 1.43(0.78–2.64) 3.34(1.58–7.10) 2.44(1.24–4.79) <.001
No. of cases/control 32/90 55/129 32/35 54/65
Beef mortadella (oz) 1 0.38(0.18–0.80) 0.62(0.20–1.97) 1.90(0.50–7.31) .257
No. of cases/control 147/247 13/50 6/13 7/4
Chicken mortadella/ processed turkey (oz) 1 0.56(0.31–1.02) 0.67(0.25–1.85) 0.73(0.19–2.79) .112
No. of cases/control 139/220 22/69 8/16 4/9

Note: p value <.05 was considered statistically significant.


Adjusted for caloric intake, age, gender, marital status, education level, body weight status, smoking, period of smoking, family history of GC, and physical activity level. The control group was considered the reference group for analysis.


Reference group. The control group was considered the reference group for analysis.