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. 2023 Jun 26;6(3):pbad017. doi: 10.1093/pcmedi/pbad017

Table 1.

Comparative genetic effect of putative causal variants across East Asian and European populations.

RS_ID Gene POP Phenotype EUR_AF EAS_AF PIP Effect_cond_EUR SE_cond_EUR Effect_cond_EAS SE_cond_EAS P_het Sig_het
rs7556897 CCL20 EAS CD 0.3429 0.2024 0.409 0.0347 0.0172 1.93E-01 0.0315 1.08E-05 adj.P < 0.05
rs6856616 LINC02513 EAS CD 0.0596 0.2321 0.874 0.1109 0.0315 2.84E-01 0.0254 1.83E-05 adj.P < 0.05
rs7043505 TNFSF15 EAS CD 0.4503 0.6895 0.488 0.0310144 0.0271579 4.28E-01 0.0392266 9.28E-17 adj.P < 0.05
rs3812565 CARD9 EUR CD 0.3549 0.1885 0.81471455 0.178248 0.0163733 4.00E-03 0.0284994 1.15E-07 adj.P < 0.05
rs7915475 AC067752.1 EUR CD 0.3012 0.1468 0.52844728 -0.105578 0.0182737 0.0274657 0.0374278 0.00140178 adj.P < 0.05
rs11195128 DUSP5 EAS CD 0.3201 0.1478 0.949 0.113 0.0172 2.82E-01 0.0348 1.39E-05 adj.P < 0.05
rs7307562 LRRK2 EUR CD 0.393 0.494 0.9999 -0.0813516 0.0165517 0.00591389 0.0227686 0.0019344 adj.P < 0.05
rs9889296 CCL2 EUR CD 0.3231 0.5496 0.51160938 -0.1523 0.0182 -3.33E-02 0.023 4.96E-05 adj.P < 0.05
rs2427537 ZBTB46 EAS CD 0.4702 0.0437 0.967 0.0127391 0.0169923 -2.21E-01 0.0552614 5.38E-05 adj.P < 0.05
rs12628495 CSF2RB EAS CD 0.0895 0.3393 0.519 -0.0476638 0.0263475 2.51E-01 0.026149 9.03E-16 adj.P < 0.05
rs4655215 RNF186 EUR UC 0.291 0.47 1 -0.133951 0.0186741 -0.0273661 0.0291071 0.00205579 adj.P < 0.05

The sample sizes used to derive ORs in East Asian and European populations were 22 828 and 40 266 for CD, and 22 318 and 45 975 for UC, respectively. Only non-Finnish European samples were used in the European analysis. Cochran's Q test (two-sided) was used for testing heterogeneity. We chose the number of putative causal variants tested for the correction such as an adjusted (adj.) P < 0.05 for CD or UC. EAS, East Asian population; EUR, European population.