Figure 45.
(a) A nanocrystal ASE-type LED that features a BRW formed by an underlying DBR (made of 10 Nb2O5/SiO2 bilayers) and a top silver electrode (top left). The charge injection architecture (bottom left) features 2D current focusing achieved by combining a narrow slit in a LiF interlayer and an orthogonal strip-like top contact. The device employs a TFB/HAT-CN combination as an HTL/HIL and a ZnO ETL. The active layer is made of 3 monolayers of CdSe/Cd1–xZnxSe/ZnSe0.5S0.5/ZnS ccg-QDs (Figure 40a). As depicted in the photograph on the right, the device exhibits bright edge emission clearly visible in daylight. (b) The instantaneous power of edge emission (left axis) and the estimated light intensity (right axis) of the BRW device as a function of j. At the highest j, the emitted power reaches 0.17 mW, which corresponds to the light intensity of 1.9 kW cm–2. Reproduced with permission from ref (63) (CC-BY 4.0).