(a) The illustration
of a concept of single-exciton optical gain
in QDs that feature strong exciton–exciton repulsion. In the
absence of exciton–exciton Coulomb interactions, the single
exciton state corresponds to optical transparency as the probability
of photon absorption is equal to the probability of stimulated emission
and both the “absorbing” and the “emitting”
transitions have the same energy (left). In the presence of exciton–exciton
repulsion, the “absorbing” transition in a QD containing
an exciton is shifted up in energy. This shift is defined by the energy
of exciton–exciton interaction (ΔXX). If ΔXX is greater than
the QD ensemble line width, stimulated emission occurs without interference
from the absorbing transition which leads to “single-exciton
gain”. Adapted with permission from ref (112). Copyright 2007 Nature
Publishing Group. (b) The repulsive exciton–exciton interaction
can be realized using type-II heterostructures wherein electrons and
holes are separated between different parts of the QD (e.g., the core
and the shell, as shown in the picture). The blue and green curves
depict electron and holes wave functions, respectively. Adapted with
permission from ref (115). Copyright 2007 American Chemical Society. (c) Pump-fluence-dependent
emission from a film of type-II CdS/ZnSe QDs shows the emergence of
two ASE bands. The lower-energy feature, which develops at the center
of the single-exciton spontaneous PL band, is due to single-exciton
gain (labeled as ‘X’; red lines). The higher-energy
feature is due to the standard biexciton gain mechanism (labeled as
‘XX’; blue line). (d) The amplitudes of the X and XX
emission bands measured as a function of pump fluence indicate that
the threshold of the single-exciton ASE (2 mJ cm–2) is appreciably lower than the threshold of the biexciton ASE (6
mJ cm–2). Panels (c) and (d) adapted with permission
from ref (112). Copyright
2007 Nature Publishing Group.