Figure 1.
Examples of Medtronic 670G/770G HCL insulin delivery without use of exercise interventions (A.1 and B.1) and effect of forward-planning interventions (A.2 and B.2). A.1: Moderate-intensity exercise (MIE) with no temporary target set and pre-exercise carbohydrates given prematurely, resulting in hypoglycemia. A.2: MIE with a temporary target set 90 minutes prior to exercise, no pre-exercise carbohydrates were required, reduced boluses were used for meals during prolonged exercise. B.1: MIE with a temporary target prior to exercise, however, a full meal bolus was given with no reduction resulting in hypoglycemia. B.2: MIE with a temporary target and reduction in pre-exercise meal bolus with avoidance of hypoglycemia.