Males of most species of the miki species group, including L. magnipectinata, L. stackelbergi, L. clarofinis, sp.1, and sp.2, have longitudinal sex combs composed of enlarged, blunt, heavily melanized “teeth”, which are modified mechanosensory bristles. The only exception is sp.3, which lacks sex combs. Most species in the denticeps species group, including L. kurokawai, have much smaller and simpler sex combs composed of a few slightly thickened bristles (arrowheads). L. collinella (fenestrarum species group) lacks sex combs, but has other male-specific leg structures: enlarged, pointed dorsal bristles (arrows) and a ventral brush composed of thin, wavy bristles (chevrons). L. mommai and L. acongruens (nigricolor species group) do not show any male-specific leg modifications.