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. 2023 Jul 14;5:0074. doi: 10.34133/plantphenomics.0074


Traits amenable to high-throughput phenotyping (HTP) and their potential for coapplication with GS for sugarcane breeding. The applicability of HTP and /or GS for these traits has been demonstrated in sugarcane experimentallya.

Traits Genotyping technology Marker systems b Sensor systems Application Genomics-phenomics integration potential Current status
Genomics Phenomics
Cane yield Cane yield AAS array, DArT, and GBS SNP markers and DArT markers Multidimensional RGB, LiDAR, and multispectral imaging Crop yield improvement, crop growth assessment High Limited institutional capacity and marker cost still limit wider application; targeted implementation efforts underway
Sugar content Sugar content AAS array, DArT, and GBS SNP markers and DArT markers NIR Crop yield improvement Medium to high As above, hyperspectral imaging research for HTP
Fiber content Fiber content AAS array, DArT, and GBS SNP markers and DArT markers NIR Stalk quality and energy cane Medium to high Moderate high-throughput currently
Stalk height, stalk number, and biomass Stalk height, stalk number, and biomass AAS array, DArT, and GBS SNP markers and DArT markers LiDAR and multidimensional RGB Crop yield, stalk weight, rationability, and crop establishment Medium to high Used for crop growth monitoring and crop management
Canopy cover and canopy architecture LiDAR and multidimensional RGB Canopy filling, crop gap, light interception, and water use Limited genomics research Extensively used for crop growth modeling and crop monitoring
Brown rust Brown rust AAS array and DArT Bru gene RGB and multispectral imaging Brown rust resistance High Currently limited implementation in breeding programs
Orange rust, smut, and red rot AAS array SNP markers Diseases resistance Limited phenomics research Application of smut markers for GS underway
Flowering Flowering AAS array SNP markers RGB and multispectral imaging Flowering time and flowering propensity High Breeding application not reported
Canopy conductance and canopy temperature IR temperature sensors and thermal camera Crop water use and thermal and water stress tolerance Little genomics research on this trait A valuable trait for breeding sugarcane for water-limited environments
Early-stage crop vigor RGB and multispectral imaging Early-stage clone selection in breeding Little genomics research on this trait Value of this trait for improving early-stage clone selection demonstrated

References for the traits listed in this table can be found in [5,8,10,11,1315,18,19].


These are the most frequently tested sugarcane DNA marker systems, but other polymerase-chain-reaction-based and single-gene marker systems with high-throughput screening potential have been reported for sugarcane by different groups.

AAS array, Affimetrix Axiom SNP array; DArT, Diversity Array Technology; GBS, genotyping by sequencing; RGB, red, green and blue; LiDAR, light detection and ranging; NIR, near-infrared.