Figure 1. Overview of pre- and postnatal lung development.
(A) Lung development consists of an embryonic and postnatal phase. The different stages of mouse lung development are shown through P30. (B) A schematic representation of an embryonic lung at E12.5 and a corresponding sagittal section of a distal epithelial bud with the surrounding mesenchymal tissue. FGF10/FGFR2b signaling is highlighted. (C) A schematic representation of an alveolus with the constituent cell types during the alveolar stage of lung development. Cr., cranial lobe; Md., medial lobe; Cd., caudal lobe; Ac., accessory lobe; AMF, alveolar myofibroblast; AT1, alveolar epithelial type 1; AT2, alveolar epithelial type 2; LIF, lipofibroblast.